The Woman in Black || John Waters

The Fame Reporter interviewed iconic legendary Australian actor John Waters, he is currently starring as Arthur Kipps in the long-running terrifying original play, ‘The Woman in Black’ now playing at QPAC’s Playhouse Theatre before it tours Australia.

We sat down with John and talked about his role in the horrifying play, what he loves about the challenge of live theatre, how he feeds off the terrified audience and more.

What drew you to the role of Arthur Kipps in “The Woman in Black”?
Both of the roles in this play are a great challenge. But in particular, my role requires me to inhabit
seven different characters. That’s the kind of challenge I like!

How does the atmosphere of a live theatre production compare to other forms of entertainment you’ve been a part of?
This all depends on the individual, but for me and my skill set, live theatre is the most stimulating and the most instantly rewarding of all forms of entertainment.

“The Woman in Black” is known for its suspenseful and chilling moments. How do you approach building tension and maintaining suspense as an actor, particularly with your on-stage scene partner Daniel MacPherson?
It is up to Daniel and myself to build the audience’s mood in the direction we want it to go. So
along with our director Antony Eden, we devise the best way to distract them from guessing what
will happen next. This is also a facility built into the script by the playwright Stephen Mallatratt.

What challenges did you face in bringing Arthur Kipps to life on stage, particularly in a production with such a strong emphasis on mood and atmosphere?
A constant awareness of the needs of each particular audience, which can be felt, and seem to differ more than you would think.

The story of “The Woman in Black” has haunted audiences for decades. What do you think gives it such enduring appeal?
It is a play that directly involves the audience. It starts with the declaration that ‘’we are in a theatre’’. That is significant.

What do you hope audiences will take away from their experience of watching “The Woman in Black” at QPAC?
I will be happy if our audiences leave the theatre feeling happy that they have experienced a truly immersive piece of theatre, and that it will whet their appetite for more.

Finally, how does performing in a classic ghost story like “The Woman in Black” differ from other types of theatre productions or roles you have played or been a part of?
It is not often than an opportunity arrives to work at true suspense and ‘terror’ on a live stage. I hope to sleep well at night!

    Fame Reporter Word Play

    The Woman in Black

    Beloved place (truly)

    Australian Entertainment
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    Number 1 hit single

    Doctor, Doctor


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    Dream Co-star to work with
    Morgan Freeman


    Happy days

    Advice for your 18 year old self
    Get off your own case

    The Addams Family


    All Saints

    Happy acting family


    Not for the faint-hearted


    True and scary

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    TV Binge


    Favourite thing about performing

    I get to pretend to be somebody else

    Thank you for joining us at The Fame Reporter and chookas for the tour of The Woman in Black.

    Playhouse Theatre, QPAC
    Now playing until 11 May

    Australian Tour Tickets

    Photos supplied

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